
Consortium Meeting in Bratislava, Slovakia

Bratislava was the home to SPADE’s latest consortium meeting, from November 2nd to November 3rd. BAVENIR, as one of the project partners, hosted this meeting.

During the first day, proceedings initially focused on presentations of the status of each Work Package and then attention shifted to the discussion groups on the afternoon. Multiple topics were discussed such as SPADE architecture, platform and digital twins.

The second and last day focused on the soon-to-be-launched SPADE open calls, reviewing topics with an aim to provide a final decision for their introduction. In the afternoon, open source was discussed, as well as the upcoming approaches for communication and dissemination of the project.

We would like to thank all the partners that made the trip to Slovakia and were connected online. This meeting was vital towards the future of SPADE’s success. A final thank you is also in order to BAVENIR and the 5 Stars Offices’ teams for the logistical preparation.